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Acting & Performance Techniques for Magicians

$795.00 ($400.00 minimum deposit)
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Acting  & Performance Techniques for Magicians

How to use voice, movement and the mental and emotional techniques of actors to make your performances more powerful and believable.

A three-day intensive workshop led by Tobias Beckwith, with Jeff McBride as a special guest

Live and in-person in Las Vegas / Limited to 8 students / September 29, October 1, 2023

Lift the level of your performances with 'Acting for Magicians,' a course that delves into the art of bringing magic to life through the power of acting. As the famous magician Robert-Houdin once said, 'A conjuror is but an actor playing the part of a magician.' In this class, you will learn how to do just that, and to do it well.

Led by Tobias Beckwith, a veteran magic instructor, director, and producer with over 30 years of experience teaching acting and communications skills at the university level and then directing, managing, and producing some of the top magic acts in the world, the class will guide you through the art of fully embodying your magic performances to create an unforgettable experience. Explore the nuances of gesture, timing, expression, and character to bring your magic to life and captivate audiences like never before. With 'Acting for Magicians,' you will learn how to become the ultimate showman and create a magical experience that will leave your audiences spellbound.

Jeff McBride is our special guest and will present a session on using mime and physical performance techniques on the 2nd day of the class.

Some specifics of what you will learn:

  • To use “the magic if” in order to discover truth within the context of your character
  • To use your body and voice in new and more powerful ways
  • To understand why “acting” is all about taking a particular kind of “action”
  • To create a sense of believability in your performances
  • Techniques for exploring new and bigger, more exciting choices for all your magic
  • How to really listen to and create rapport with your audiences
  • Secrets of guiding attention using your acting skills
  • The importance and optimal use of breath while performing
  • How to create memorable pictures for your audience as you perform
  • The use of rhythm, pacing, pitch, and volume to build the aural power of your performances

The class is limited to 8 students. You will bring 2 different pieces of magic for which you have mastered the techniques of presenting, each of which is less than 3 minutes in length. This is a class for doing, not listening, so plan to dress appropriately (gym, yoga, dance or martial arts clothing). We will not be teaching tricks – but we WILL be turning those tricks you bring into real magic!
