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Butterfly Blizzard

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  • Exotic Asian Fan
  • 1 Dozen Paper Butterfly Blizzard Units
  • Very Special Flight training device
  • Professional Quality Training DVD

Paper Butterflies Come to Life, dance and float at your command, finally bursting into a rainbow snowstorm of color and majesty! You receive all props necessary to perform this lyrical effect, just as Jeff has performed it in his stage act for the past 15 years.

Jeff McBride shares the secrets he has used for over 15 years in his own performances of the Enchanted Butterfly piece, as well as many ideas and touches you can use to create your own amazing performance with the Enchanted Butterflies. Magic's foremost teacher, McBride always shares more than just the simple technique for accomplishing an effect. He includes tips on presentation, rehearsal, care of the props and much more. It's almost like having a personal session with Jeff McBride.

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Customer Reviews

  • 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

    Couldn't be more happy with the product and the reactions it gets...

    5 Stars

    This has become one of my signature effects because it's so beautiful and plays so big. Every time I do this, people always walk up to the stage and grab some butterflies to keep! The fan is the highest quality fan I've been able to get my hands on. It makes a huge difference in really being able to make those butterflies soar. I've also watched the DVD multiple times for a couple reasons; 1) theres so much content, subtleties, and ideas that its nearly impossible to get it all in one viewing, and 2) its a great history lesson on one of the classic and most elegant effects of our time. Couldn't be more happy with the product and the reactions it gets from my audience.

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