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Gift Magic

  • 184 pages
  • 57 illustrations
  • 11 performances pieces
  • 5 interviews
  • 4 essays on gift magic
  • ... by world-leading performers, teachers, and philosophers of magic

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Would you like to perform magic that leaves people with a special gift? Gift Magic is your doorway into one of the most exciting ways to perform magic.

Authored by Jeff McBride, George Parker, Lawrence Hass, Eugene Burger, Rich Bloch, and Robert E. Neale, the book includes 11 performances pieces, 5 interviews, and 4 essays on gift magic by world-leading performers, teachers, and philosophers of magic.

All the profits from this book goes to Rich Bloch's Encore Foundation, a non-profit foundation that assists magicians in times of terrible need. In purchasing this book and/or giving it as a gift to others, you are directly helping people who are suffering and you are strengthening the world-wide community of magicians.

Deluxe paperback:
184 pages with 57 illustrations by Jay Fortune.


"Jeff McBride, George Parker, Larry Hass, Eugene Burger, Rich Bloch, and Robert Neale. . .are about to give you a magical gift that includes stories, tricks and illusions, interviews, dialogues, and words of wisdom, all in the spirit of gift-giving and friendship. . . . [T]he book itself [is] a gift. . .perhaps one of the most magical texts I have ever read."  --Ruth K. Setton, award-winning novelist

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Customer Reviews

  • Must Have!

    5 Stars

    This book is a must have!
    For me, what initially got me interested in learning the art of magic was having the ability to share it with others, and there is no better way to accomplish this than to leave the spectator with a personal souvenir they can keep.

    The only downside is this a book. I learn better from visually watching performances. I do find myself going back to this book often for suggestions and ideas, or just to re-read; which is in no way a bad thing and I think part of the authors' marketing strategy. (if it's a good book)

    All profits go toward Rich Bloch's Encore Foundation, and the material that is contained inside this book - it's a no brainer. BUY IT!

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